While viewing stories within channels, users can currently control the ability to see their stories appear in grid view or list view. Administrators will now be able to set a default view for new users as well as update the default view for existing users.
Manually Toggle Between List and Grid View:
For changing the view while viewing Files:
Log into the Bigtincan Hub.
Click on the Content icon on the left-side of the page.
Select the channel you want to view.
Click on the ellipsis icon.
Select Toggle List or Toggle Grid from the drop-down menu.
For changing the view while viewing Stories:
Log into the Bigtincan Hub.
Click on the Content icon on the left-side of the page.
Click on the title of the Story.
Select or deselect the Grid View checkbox to change your view.
Setting the Default View as an Administrator:
Administrators will now have the ability to set a default view for your users.
As the Administrator, you will need to navigate to the Platform Configuration > User Default Settings.
From the User Default Settings menu, you will be able to change the default view for your users by selecting either ‘Grid View’ or ‘List View’ for each option given.
You can also check off the Update Existing Users if you wish to change the default view for your existing users as well.
If you do not check Update Existing Users, the existing user’s view settings will remain the same.
Note: Users will still be able to manually switch their default view after an administrator has changed the initial default view.
Setting the Default View for a New User as an Administrator:
As you are creating a new user, File Display Style and Story Display Style will now be visible for selecting which view to show on web and mobile devices. As a new user logs in, these will be the default views they will see. The user will also be able to manually adjust the views once logged in.