Promoting Stories


Enabling Story Promoting

Users have the ability to promote stories from within the Content Hub.

*Note: First, a user must be allowed access to promote.

To ensure access, navigate from Platform Configuration > Users > Search for the Individual > Edit, symbolized by a pencil on the right of the user's name. 

Enable the "Story Promoting" option and save. 


Promoting a Story

Once enabled to promote stories, navigate to the desired story. 

  1. In the top right corner of the screen, users will see an ellipses titled "More." Click this option and a drop down menu appears.
  2. Click the "Promote" action.
    This will prompt a screen similar to the following:

3. Users then will fill in the Title and Message. 

4. Next, a user will decide to whom they wish to promote the story. They can select "Everyone" sending the message to all the company's users, or select individuals or certain groups. 

5. Finalize by clicking the "Promote" button.

Email Notifications

Along with an in-platform push notification, the recipient receives an email notification similar to the following:

For more information on how an administrator may configure the email received, see Templates.

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  • Note: To Promote to a Group, the user must be a member of that Group. 


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