Personal Archive Vs Administrative Archive

Archived Stories:

On the left side navigation bar, you will find a link to Archived Stories. This location contains stories that you as the editor or publisher have deleted.  If you need to republish an archived story, you have the ability to do so.


For Administrators, there is another section within the platform that displays Archived Stories:

Platform Configuration>Stories>Archived Stories

This allows an Administrator to locate and republish stories that others have archived.

However, stories that have been archived via a scheduled expiry time will NOT display in the Administrator Archive section. This includes stories that are ‘soft archived’ via a file expiration as well.  Those stories will only display in the Personal Archive of the Publisher.

*Note:This is important to keep in mind if you have high employee turnover as those stories that are scheduled to archive will not be located in the Administrator section. Thus, if you need to locate the story to republish you will need access to the Publisher's personal archive. 

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