Featured for Windows 10

The Home Section on the Windows 10 App is divided into 3 sections: Featured, Links, and People. A user may navigate to each section by clicking the respective buttons at the top of the section. 

Feature Banner

By default, a user begins on the "Featured" page which displays a variety of featured content. The first section a user sees is the Featured Stories section displayed as a moving banner. This section displays Featured Stories, a characteristic indicated by the Story's author.  For more information on how to make your story a Featured Story, go to Getting Started with Stories. Each Featured Story displays a picture, the title and author. 

Top Stories

Directly below the Featured Stories Banner is the Top Stories Section.  Stories are marked by a visual representation of the story, followed by the Story's title, and author. 

These stories earn their position in the "Top Stories" section through the Content IQ Algorithm process. 

The story with the highest Content IQ score appears at the top of the column followed by other highly scoring stories in descending IQ scored order. Simply click the story and the user will be directed to the story's page.

Latest Stories

Directly  below the Top Stories section is the Latest Stories Section. 

Each Story has the visual representation, followed by the title and author.

The newest stories appear at the top and continue in descending order from newest to least new.Simply tap the story and be directed to the stories page.


Directly below the Latest Stories Section is the Leaderboard Section. 

This section displays users with a high Social IQ score. Each person is represented by their designated profile photo, followed by their name and title. A user may gain access to these Leaderboard's profiles by clicking on the respective picture. The button to the right of the user's title allows another user to follow them. 


The remaining sections on the Featured page will appear unique to the user but may include sections such as: 

1. Recommended Stories will display stories the user may find interesting in relation to other stories the have viewed and/or engaged. 

2. My Top Users will display the users who have engaged with your content. 

3. Most Viewed Content will display the most popular content that user has published.

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