The default home page for Web Users is comprised of 3 distinct sections: Feature, People, and Links.
The Featured section displays stories and people with differing degrees of relevance depending on certain characteristics of that person/story.
Date and Calendar
The Home Screen displays both the date and access to the user's calendar with the number of marked events.
Simply click the calendar option in the top right corner to see calendar details.
Featured Stories
The first banner a user sees is a banner of "Featured Stories." The story's author designates whether or not the story should be "Featured" upon publication.
*Note: Individual Hub Home Screens may differ depending on administrator customizations.
Stories present in a horizontal display. Click the arrow at the end of the banner to see more stories in the Featured Banner.
Story displays offer a few numerical features on their face. In the bottom left corner of every story, users see a File Count. A file count is simply the number of files included in that story.
Similarly, in the top right corner, users see a Like count and Comment count.
Top Stories
Top stories display in a similar, horizontal fashion, as the featured stories. Top Stories depend on a gamification score and will display in descending gamification score order.
Latest Stories
Latest Stories display stories in descending fashion beginning with the newest story according to publication date. While similar in horizontal display, the stories present slightly different than the "Top Stories" and "Featured Stories." The stories display in a double tiered fashion:
The File count appears at the bottom left of each story's panel. The comment count is in the bottom right, directly across from the file count.
Recommended Stories
Recommended stories displays similarly to the Featured Banner. Stories are horizontally configured. Click the arrow at the end of the banner to see more recommended stories.
Any bookmarked stories the individual user has saved will appear in this section. If the section is overpopulated, the click the "Show All" option in the top right corner of the section to see all bookmarked stories.
The leaderboard displays users within the organization with high Social IQ Scores. Users can access the individual's profile by clicking their picture. They can select the "Follow" option below each user's name if they wish to follow that user. Click the "Show All" option and users will be redirected to the "People" tab for a complete directory of users.
Popular Content
Popular Stories displays similarly to the "Latest Stories" section in that double tiered fashion.
The File count appears at the bottom left of each story's panel. The comment count is in the bottom right, directly across from the file count.
For more information on the default home page see Links for Web App and People for Web App.