Search Tips for Web App

User's have the availability to search stories and files through the search option. By clicking the magnifying glass in the top right corner, a search box will present itself. 

A user can either, beginning typing or click one of the suggest tags listed below. There are a few formulas a user may apply for a specific search result. They are listed below

Search Formula


Type a Single Word
Ex) Links
This will display both file and story options that present that exact word in the title, description, tags, or anywhere within the text base document.  
Typing Two or More Words with Spaces
Ex) Links Sites
This will display both file and story options that only present BOTH words in the title, description, tags, or anywhere within the text base document. 
Typing Two or More Words Separated by "Pipes"
Ex) Links || Sites
This will display both file and story options that present EITHER words in the title, description, tags, or anywhere within the text base document.
Typing a Phrase in Quotes
Ex) "On-boarding Process"
This will display both file and story options that present this exact phrase--all characters including spaces and dashes-- in the title, description, tags, or anywhere within the text base document. 
Typing tags:word or Clicking One of the Suggested Tags
Ex) tags:Links
This will display both file and story options that have that word as a tag. A user may want to do this when the word they are searching is commonly found in a variety of titles, descriptions, or within a text base document. 
Typing a Word with an "*"
Ex) Web* Results in "Website" "Webinar" "Webcam" etc. 
This will display both file and story options that present all words beginning with the term in the title, description, tags, or anywhere within the text base document.
Typing a Word with a "?"
EX) To? Results in "Too" "Toe" "Toy" etc. 
This will display both file and story options that present all words beginning with the term in the title, description, tags, or anywhere within the text base document.
The "?" will only autofill a single character.
Date Added From and Date Added to These two filters will narrow the user's current result set to include only the files that have been added or updated within the selected date range.  By only entering a Date Added From date, the list will be filtered to those files whose create/update date are from that date and newer.

*Note: If a file name is a string of terms connected via dashes or underscores, a user will not find the title by searching one term. Ex) If the file name is 1995-03-15-Birthday, a user will not find it by searching for the term birthday.  

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