Search Functions

Bigtincan Hub offers a quick search option in the ever-present menu in the top right corner of any screen in the Hub. Click the magnifying glass and a search window appears. This search option will search both files and stories in the Hub. This searches in the title, description, tags, or anywhere within the text base document.  

Suggested tags auto-populate below the search bar while typing a search word or term. If a user clicks one of these tags, the search will only look in the tags of a file or story. 

Press "Enter" to begin the search.  

From this point, a user has the option to search the corresponding "Files" or Stories for the search. Note, Stories have been renamed "Content" for this screen shot and may vary depending on individual's admin settings. 

A user clicks either "Files" or "Stories" on the left hand side to search through the corresponding type. Note, the search will only present a max of 50 searches for each type. 

If a user is searching through files, they may find their search term in the title, tags, or in the document itself --if it's a text base document. 

If a user searches through stories, they may find their the search term in title, tags, or description of the story. 

Each corresponding search result will appear similar to the search in the above picture. The story or file is represented with a thumbnail. followed by the Title and Description. The search term is highlighted for a user's convenience. User's can find the specific origin of the search result directly below the description designated by the phrase "Found in:" followed by the appropriate channel and tab. 

On the very right of the search result, users will see a series of tags attached to the result. These are also terms the search function examines when offering results.  

A user has the option of refining their search for specific files with a number of filters listed to the right of the "File" or "Stories" options starting with "Date Added From," "Date Added to," "Search within," "File Types," and "File Size."

Date Added From

A user applying this filter may refine their search by only searching files added or modified after a certain date. 


If a user wishes to use this filter, they will click on the calendar button on the very right of the text box. A calendar will display and a user may select the desired date. This will modify the search results, presented only those files added after the designated date. 


Date Added To

A user may use this filter, in conjunction with the "Date Added From" filter to create a range in which a file has been added or modified.

Similarly to the "Date Added From" filter, a user clicks the calendar button and the calendar appears.  Select the desired date to create a date range. All stories and files fitting that search created or modified between the two designated dates will appear. 

Searching In

A user may search within a specific channel for a term. Click the box under the "Searching In" title and a window will appear. 

Users can browse various tabs and select channels from within the tabs. Once selected, the search results will only present from those designated channels. 

While browsing tabs, users can organize their list by clicking the orange triangle next to the "Stories" title. The title in this example is named "Content," check with your administrator to see your companies specific naming customs. 

A window will appear where users can designate their search organization options. Tabs may appear in recognition of name or how many relevant channels they contain. There is, also, a checkbox to display hidden channels if desired. 


Be sure to click the Add button at the bottom of the Channel window when all designated channels have been selected. 


Search Within

A user may decide to specify where the search engine might look for the search term. By default, this option will search everything. However, a user can designate the search to be held solely in File Name, File Content, or Tag. By clicking on the text box to the right of the "Search In" category, users will have access to a drop down menu. There, they can click which designation they wish to search within.  

File Types

A user can designate the type of file for which they wish to search. Options include a myriad such as: App, Audio, Image, Form, Powerpoint and many more!

To designate the file type, a user will click the box below the title "File Types" revealing a dropdown window. 

A user will click the desired file type.

File Size

Similarly to "File Type" users may search according to File Size. A  user will click the box below "File Size" to reveal a dropdown menu. 

Users can browse through incremental file sizes until the final option of 1 GB+. By default the File Size will be designated as "Any." 

Search Stories

If a user wishes to search for stories, they may do so by clicking the story tab after the search term is entered. 

Users can refine their search within the Stories tab by entering the dates by which the story is modified. Similarly to the File search filter "Date Added From" and "Date Added To," users will click the calendar button on the right side of each text box. Users click the desired dates, creating a range. This will modify the searches to show only those stories that have updated between the designated dates.   

Sort By: 

There are 3 different categories a user may use in searching: Relevance, Modified Date, and Alphabetical. User's simply select the drop down menu title d "Sort" and specify the which sort feature they want. 

Relevance (Default):  The list of results should be sorted and displayed on the page in order of most relevant to least relevant.

Modified Date:  The list of results should be sorted and displayed on the page in order of most recently to oldest last updated date.

Alphabetical: The list of results should be sorted and displayed on the page in alphabetical order from A-Z.

For tips on a more accurate search visit Search Tips.


Bookmark, Download, and Share 


Users now have the ability to bookmark, download and share the individual search results. After typing in the desired search criteria, the results will list below. Individual results will appear similar to the following: 

Next to the files title, users will see three icons representing the aforementioned functions. 

Click the first icon, represented by a bookmark, to bookmark the story for later reference. Clicking this icon will save the file in the under the user's bookmarks.

The second icon, represented by an envelope, allows a user to share the file. Clicking this option prompts the manifestation of the following window: 

Fill in the appropriate contact information, and user's can share the file. 


The third icon, represented by the cloud with a downward facing arrow, allows users to download the file and save to their device.

*Note: the file may only be available for download if the author has previously designated the available sharing options. See Configuring the Story Optionsf or more details.

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