Bigtincan Studio is a tool that allows for the visual creation of BTCA files. These custom files can be used inside the Bigtincan Hub as interactive content presentations or home screens. From the studio, files can be exported for the Hub as BTCA files, which packages and allows for custom actions to be performed through the JavaScript Bridge.
The Bigtincan Studio is made possible through a partnership with Tumult (developer of Hype).
Mac OS
- Download the Bigtincan Studio installer (Contact Bigtincan Customer Success for a link to download).
- Install the package.
- Quit Hype app if already open.
- Open the Hype app.
Hub Actions
Select a UI element in Hype.
Go to the Action Inspector.
Choose the event and the action. The hub-specific actions would be grouped under a “Bigtincan Hub” title at the bottom.
Make sure you define all arguments (if present) with the action selected. Here is a sample project that shows the Hub Actions and sample Arguments.
Dynamic Content from Hub
Dynamic content can be fetched from the hub by mapping classnames and additional HTML attributes in the identity inspector. Dynamic content of a particular type should be under a group with a class name “btc-fetch” and then having an additional HTML attribute with a key “btc-entity” or “btc-list”.
Following types are currently supported, please see screenshots for examples.
Type |
Variant |
Usage |
User details |
Logged in Users |
Min Element Hierarchy Group -> Text Element Parent group classname “btc-fetch” parent group HTML attributes “btc-entity” = “user” Child Text Element HTML attributes “btc-entity-attr” = “name” / “firstName” |
Story Details |
Story details by story perm id |
Min Element Hierarchy Group -> Text / Image Element(s) Parent group classname “btc-fetch” parent group HTML attributes “btc-entity” = “story” “btc-entity-id” = story perm id Child Text Element HTML attributes “btc-entity-attr” = “title” / “author” / “thumbnail” / “description” |
User List |
All users |
Min Element Hierarchy Group Outer (List) -> Group Inner (Entity) -> Text / Image Element(s) Group Outer classname “btc-fetch” Group Outer HTML attributes “btc-list-entity” = “user” “btc-list-source” = “all” / “top” “btc-list-limit” = <no. of stories (max 100)> Group Inner HTML attributes “btc-entity” = “user” Child Text/Image Element HTML attributes “btc-entity-attr” = “name” / “title” / “score” / “thumbnail” |
Top users |
Story List |
Recommended |
Min Element Hierarchy Group Outer (List) -> Group Inner (Entity) -> Text / Image Element(s) Group Outer classname “btc-fetch” Group Outer HTML attributes “btc-list-entity” = “story” “btc-list-source” = “recommended” / “featured” / “top” / “latest” / “most_viewed” / “most_liked” / “tab” / “channel” “btc-list-limit” = <no. of stories (max 100)> Group Inner HTML attributes “btc-entity” = “story” Child Text/Image Element HTML attributes “btc-entity-attr” = “title” / “author” / “thumbnail” / “description” Note: for featured stories, the thumbnail would be the featured image |
Featured Stories |
Top Stories |
Latest Stories |
Most Viewed Stories |
Most Liked Stories |
Stories from a tab |
Above values plus extra HTML attribute “btc-list-source-id” to specify the tab / channel id |
Stories from a channel |
Files List |
Recommended |
Min Element Hierarchy Group Outer (List) -> Group Inner (Entity) -> Text / Image Element(s) Group Outer classname “btc-fetch” Group Outer HTML attributes “btc-list-entity” = “file” “btc-list-source” = “recommended” / “story” “btc-list-limit” = <no. of files (max 100)> Group Inner HTML attributes “btc-entity” = “file” Child Text/Image Element HTML attributes “btc-entity-attr” = “name” / “thumbnail” |
Symbols can be used to reuse items on multiple scenes.
Exporting Hype project as a btca
Go to File Menu -> Export as HTML5 -> BigtincanHub.
Choose the preferred name and location for the btca file.
Publishing Hype project as a btca to Bigtincan Hub
You would have to set your hub username and password in the document inspector under BigtincanHub in the Export Script Arguments sections.
Follow the steps for exporting as HTML5 and select the BigtincanHub option and choose a file name. Follow the prompts for publishing to Bigtincan Hub.
The btca is published as a story in the Personal Content Tab in the “[Studio Exports]” channel. The channel is automatically created if it does not exist already.
You will get a notification if the publishing was successful or if it failed.
If btca is successfully published, and the Publish & Open option was chosen, then the newly created story would be automatically opened in the browser.
Sample Projects
Sample projects can be found here.