Using Assets

Assets Explained

Assets in Veelo consist of images and question banks that you can re-use in multiple Paks without having to re-upload the content.


For images, the typical use case is to ensure Paks feature consistent branding elements such as logos and approved product imagery.


Question banks consist of repositories of quiz questions that your content creators can then use to automatically populate a quiz in a Pak. Question banks can also be used to randomize the selection of questions each user sees in a given Pak.

Creating and Using an Image Asset

  1. In the Management Controls area, click on the Assets tab, then click on the New Asset button.

  2. Select Create an Image Asset.

  3. You’ll be taken to the Image Asset settings screen.

  4. a. Enter a name for the image asset in the Name field.
    b.Upload the file from your hard drive. NOTE: file sync is not currently available for Assets.
    c. Add a brief description in the Description field (optional, and viewable only to other Veelo managers and admins).
    d. Ensure the State is set to Active. Inactive Assets can’t be viewed by your end users.
    e. Click Save when done.

  5. To insert an image Asset, you will need to edit a Pak. While in the Pak Editor, click on the Image element in the Builder section.

  6. Click on Choose Image from Asset Library, then select the image from the dropdown menu, and add any additional image options (caption, title/alt text, max width, and alignment). Click Save when done, and remember to Publish your Pak to make your changes visible to your end users.

Creating and Using Question Banks

  1. In the Management Controls area, click on the Assets tab, then click on the New Asset button.

  2. Select Create a Question Bank.

  3. You’ll be taken to the Question Bank settings screen.

  4. a. Enter a name for the Question Bank in the Name field.
    b. Add a brief description in the Description field (optional).
    c. Ensure the state is set to Active. Inactive Assets can’t be viewed by your end users.
    d. Click Save when done.

  5. To add questions to the Question Bank, click on the Questions? Tab. Click on New Question to add a question to the bank. Currently, only multiple choice or multiple answer formats are supported for Question Banks.

  6. a. Type in a prompt in the Prompt field.
    b. Select Multiple Choice (only one correct answer) or Multi-Answer (users can select multiple correct answers).
    c. Add answers in the Answer Text area. Mark the correct answers by selecting the Correct option next to the answers. Click on the Add Answer button to add more answer options as necessary, or click on the red - sign to remove answer options.
    d. Add a rationale (optional) in the Rationale area to explain why the answers are correct.
    e. Ensure the Status is set to Active. Inactive and Draft questions are ineligible for insertion into a Pak.
    f. Click Save when done. Repeat this step until you have added all the necessary questions to the Question Bank.

  7. To edit any of the questions in the Question Bank, click on one of the questions in the list. You’ll be taken to an edit screen where you can edit the question.

  8. To insert a question bank asset, you will need to edit a Pak. Expand the Memory section and select Quiz Bank to insert questions from the question bank. Select the question bank from the dropdown menu.

  9. a. Click onUse All Questions to use all the questions in the Question Bank, in which case each user will see the same questions in this Pak.
    b. Click onSelect a Number to use only a random subset of questions. Each user will receive a different subset of these questions. The question subset will be the same for the user once it has been determined.

  10. ClickSave when done. Remember toPublish your Pak to make your changes visible to your end users.
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