To start creating a Pak, go to the Paks tab. You can create a Pak in two ways:
- Clicking on the New Pak button on the bottom right of the screen
- Copying an existing Pak by clicking on its Clone button.
Once you’ve created a new Pak, you’ll need to edit the Pak settings, which include adding a title, description, and icon.
- If you cloned a Pak, click on the new copy that has just been created (typically named “A copy of [Pak Name]”), which will take you to the Pak settings screen. If you’ve created a new Pak, you’ll be taken to that screen automatically.
- Click on the Edit Pak Details button in the upper right corner.
- Fill in information and edit settings as needed.
- Name: Add the title for the Pak here.
- Description (optional): Add a one- or two-sentence description here to summarize the Pak contents so your users know what to expect.
- Manager Notes (optional): Leave a note visible only to other managers here, such as version or revision notes.
- State: Only Active Paks can be viewed by users. Inactive Paks are hidden from users, but managers can still edit them. Leave Paks as Active unless you have a compelling reason otherwise.
- Tile Image: Upload a perfectly square image to serve as a Pak icon. If you skip this step, the system will insert a default image for you.
- Exam: Exam Paks provide exam functionality in two ways:
- They hide the correct answers when users answer incorrectly.
- They allow you to set a passing percentage threshold so users know if they’ve passed or failed the exam.
- Shareable: All new Paks are by default set to not shareable, which means they can only be seen by internal users. If you want the Paks to be shareable with people outside your organization, check the Shareable box.
- Click Save when done.
To learn how to add content to Paks, go to Adding Content to a PAK.