You can track and manage all the To-Do's assigned to you using the To-Do Skill Center.
Key Features
- Snapshot of the number of To-Do’s you’ve been assigned over time, including Overdue, Active, and Completed.
- Exam proficiency, which is your average score based on all exams taken over time, using the last attempted exam score for exams taken multiple times.
- Video coaching proficiency, which is your average video coaching rating as rated by your managers on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.
- The total number of certificates you've earned, with links to individual certificates for review and print.
List View
When you switch to list view in Skill Center, you will see more details per To-Do assignment. From this list, you’ll be able to see the following:
- Percentage complete per To-Do
- Scores for all exams in the To-Do
- Whether an item needs to be completed before it unlocks the next assignment
- You can also Favorite a To-Do item to add it to your Favorites area for easy future reference.
Does this work on mobile devices?
Yes, you can view the Seller Dashboard on your smartphone or tablet using your mobile browser, such as Chrome or Firefox.
Does my manager see this information too?
Not exactly, but pretty close. They will see your average exam rating for the last six months and detailed scoring for all Paks and Exams taken.
Do knowledge check questions roll up into the exam score?
No, not unless your manager specified these as part of an exam Pak. However, you can see knowledge check scores in the list view.