Adding Veelo as a Web Tab in Salesforce

This section shows you how to add the Veelo Sales Portal as a tab to your Salesforce Nav Bar in the Lightning and Classic experience. The Veelo Sales Portal tab contains all of the content your company has made available to you in Veelo, and it features a filter bar as well as intelligent search. Browse for content by filtering, or search for a keyword to find the content you need.


Salesforce Lightning

1.  Go to the Personalize Your Nav Bar button on the far right of your Salesforce tabs.

2. Click on the Add More Items button.



3. Search for and select Veelo, then click on the Add 1 Nav Item button.



4. Once you've added the Veelo web tab to your Nav Bar list, you can personalize the order of your items.



5. You will now see the Veelo Sales Portal Tab in your Salesforce Nav Bar.




Salesforce Classic

1. Go to the All Tabs page by clicking on the + symbol on the far right of your Salesforce tabs.


2. Click on the Customize My Tabs button.



3. Select the appropriate app from the Custom App dropdown menu (usually Sales). Select Veelo from the Available Tabs area and add it to the Selected Tabs area.



4. Repeat the above steps if you want to add the Veelo tab to more Salesforce apps.


5. You will now see the Veelo tab in your Salesforce tabs area.


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