How do I report on Mobile Views?

Brainshark provides the ability for Administrators and Authors to report on how many views of a presentation were done on a mobile device. This can be accomplished by running Viewing Details or Viewing Summary Reports.


To report on mobile views:

  1. Navigate to the Reporting Tab.
  2. Click Content on the left-hand side under the standard Reports section.
  3. Scroll and click the Viewing Details by Presentation report, or the Viewing Details by Viewer report. 
  4. Prior to running the report, specify the report options:
    • From the Report Basics Tab: 
      • Find the presentation you wish to run the report on 
      • Choose when to run the report: now or schedule at a different time.
      • Set the Date Range for how far back you would like to look at views 
      • Select your preferred report output (we recommend using the CSV format)
    • From the Report Options Tab:
      • Select View is Mobile from the Available Columns section, and click the right arrow to add it to the report.
  5. Click Run Report.
  6. In the resulting file, views that were mobile will have a "1" in the "View is Mobile" column.
  7. To see the total number of mobile views, repeat steps 1 and 2 and select Viewing Summary by Presentation.
  8. After specifying the report basics and options, click the Filters tab.
  9. Under the Advanced Filters section, add the filter "View is Mobile = true".
  10. Click Run Report.
  11. The resulting file will only include mobile views in the Views column.

Additional Trainings

Brainshark Reporting Guide 



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