To see the viewing information for SCORM content uploaded into Brainshark, users with Learning Author, Learning Administrator, or Company Administrator permissions can run a
The will show the list of the participants and their enrollment status, how long they view the course; If success and completion criteria are known, did the participant meet the success and completion criteria, and potential testing score.To run the SCORM data report:
- Navigate to Reporting Tab
- Select Learning on the left-hand side under the standard Reports section
- Scroll and select the SCORM data report
- Prior to running the report, specify the report options:
- From the Report Basics Tab:
- Find the course you wish to run the report on
- Choose when to run the report: now or schedule at a different time.
- Set the Date Range for how far back you would like to look at views
- Select your preferred report output (we recommend using the CSV format)
- From the Report Options Tab:
- Select your desired Author and Student Filters.
- From the Report Basics Tab:
- Select Run Report.