Content Authors and Administrators who have access to the Viewing Details by Presentation and Viewing Details by Viewer reports can customize which columns they want to appear in the report under the Report Options Tab. You can view a short summary of what each column represents when it's highlighted from that screen.
The list of available columns is copied below:
Filter |
Explanation |
Author |
The author of the presentation/course |
Author Email |
The Email address of the presentation/course's author |
Author First Name |
The first name of the presentation/course's author |
Author Last Name |
The last name of the presentation/course's author |
GB Company |
The viewer's company as specified using the presentation's guestbook |
GB Custom 1-10 |
The value specified in a custom guestbook field |
GB Department |
The viewer's department as specified using the presentation's guestbook |
GB Email |
The viewer's Email address as specified using the presentation's guestbook |
GB First Name |
The viewer's first name as specified using the presentation's guestbook |
GB Last Name |
The viewer's last name as specified using the presentation's guestbook |
GB Phone Number |
The viewer's phone number as specified using the presentation's guestbook. |
GB Title |
The viewer's title as specified using the presentation's guestbook |
Integration AppKey1 |
The integration application key1 |
Integration AppKey2 |
The integration application key2 |
Integration AppKey3 |
The integration application key3 |
Integration AppKey4 (Shared From) |
The integration application key4 - Shared From field |
Integration AppKey5 |
The integration application key5 |
Integration Key |
The integration key |
Network Name |
Name of the network the presentation was viewed on |
Presentation Date Created |
The date the presentation was created Value is MM/DD/YYYY |
Presentation Date Last Updated |
The date the presentation was last updated Value is MM/DD/YYYY |
Presentation Duration |
The duration (in seconds) of the presentation's audio |
Presentation ID |
The unique identifier for the presentation Value is integer |
Presentation Is Active |
'True' if the presentation is active; 'False' otherwise |
Presentation Is Archived |
'True' if the presentation has been archived; 'False' otherwise |
Presentation Is Deleted |
'True' if the presentation has been deleted; 'False' otherwise |
Presentation Possible Points |
The total points of all examination questions in the presentation Value is integer |
Presentation Slide Count |
The number of slides in the presentation Value is integer |
Presentation Title |
The title of the presentation Value is alphanumeric |
Presentation URL |
The URL for viewing the presentation Value is alphanumeric |
Presentation/Course Expiration Date |
The date the presentation/course will expire Value is MM/DD/YYYY |
Presentation/Course Folder Name |
The folder in which the presentation/course is stored Value is alphanumeric |
Sender |
Sender of the network presentation Value is alphanumeric |
Sender Company Name |
Based on the value in the company field of the sender’s user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Sender Email |
The Email address of the network presentation's sender Value is alphanumeric |
Sender First Name |
The first name of the network presentation's sender Value is alphanumeric |
Sender Last Name |
The last name of the network presentation's sender Value is alphanumeric |
Sender Site Name |
The Brainshark site that the sender belongs to Value is alphanumeric |
Sender User Name |
The Brainshark user name of the network presentation's sender Value is alphanumeric |
View % Duration |
The percentage of the presentation audio that was played while viewing Value is integer |
View % Score |
The score (0-100%) from correct answers to examination questions while viewing Value is integer |
View % Slides |
The percentage of slides seen while viewing Value is integer |
View Call Duration |
The length of time (in seconds) spent listening to telephone playback while viewing the presentation |
View DateTime: |
The date and time the view began Value is MM/DD/YYYY |
View Downloaded as Flash |
'True' if the viewer downloaded the Flash version of the presentation; 'False' otherwise No longer supported |
View Downloaded as Real |
'True' if the viewer downloaded the Real version of the presentation; 'False' otherwise. No longer supported |
View Downloaded as WMP |
'True' if the viewer downloaded the Windows Media Player version of the presentation; 'False' otherwise No longer supported |
View Downloaded Content |
'True' if the viewer downloaded the presentation during the view No longer supported |
View Has GB |
‘True' if the viewer supplied guestbook data for a view; 'False' otherwise |
View HTTP Referrer |
The HTTP referrer for the view Value is alphanumeric |
View IP Address |
The IP address of the viewer Value is alphanumeric |
View IP City |
City, as determined from the IP address of the viewer Value is alphanumeric |
View IP Country |
Country, as determined from the IP address of the viewer Value is alphanumeric |
View IP Region |
State or Region, as determined from the IP address of the viewer Value is alphanumeric |
View Is Completed |
'True' if a view has been completed based on the completion criteria set; 'False' otherwise |
View Is Mobile |
'True' if view occurred as part of a mobile |
View Is Podcast |
'True' if view occurred as part of a podcast |
View Key Identifier |
The unique identifier for a view Value is alphanumeric |
View Points |
The total points from correct answers to examination questions while viewing Value is integer |
View Printed |
'True' if the viewer printed the presentation during the view; 'False' otherwise |
View Slides Viewed |
The number of slides seen while viewing Value is integer |
View SyncStatus |
Waiting, synched, failed, or n/a; indicates the status of communication with the CRM system Value is alphanumeric |
The length of time (in seconds) spent listening to the presentation Value is integer |
View Total % of Duration |
View Total % of Duration: The total percentage of the audio listened to from multiple views of a presentation Value is integer |
View Total % of Slides |
View Total % of Slides: The total percentage of the slides viewed from multiple views of a presentation Value is integer |
View Total Points |
View Total Points: The total number of points scored from multiple views of a presentation Value is integer |
View Total Score |
The total score from multiple views of a presentation |
View Total Slides Viewed |
The total number of slides viewed from multiple views of a presentation Value is integer |
View Tracking Code |
An optional identifier of the view source Value is alphanumeric |
View Type |
The type of viewing session (New or Resume) Value is alphanumeric |
View User Agent |
Browser and OS information for the view Value is alphanumeric |
View Viewing Time |
The length of time (in seconds) spent viewing the presentation Value is seconds |
Viewer |
The user who viewed the presentation; 'Public User' if login was not required Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Address1 |
The address information from the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Address2 |
The address information from the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer City |
The city specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Company |
The company specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Country |
The country specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Custom1-10 |
The value specified in the viewer's user profile for the custom field Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Date Created |
The date the viewer's user account was created Value is MM/DD/YYYY |
Viewer Date Last Visit |
The date of the most recent login by the viewer Value is MM/DD/YYYY |
Viewer Department |
The department specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Email |
The email address of the viewer. Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer First Name |
Information from viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Info |
Last-name, First-name or [Guestbook-Last-name, Guestbook-First-name] Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Last Name |
The last name specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Phone |
The phone number specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Postal Code |
The postal code specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer State |
The state specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Title |
The title specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer Unique Company |
The unique company identifier specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |
Viewer User Name: |
The user name specified in the viewer's user profile Value is alphanumeric |