How to capture viewer data

Content Authors can use Guestbooks to capture and track data on who is viewing a Brainshark presentation.  A company administrator or the author of a presentation can edit their own presentation and apply a guestbook. 


To add a guestbook to your presentation:

  1. Edit a presentation
  2. Select "Ask viewer to register with Guestbook"
  3. Select the Edit link that appears
  4. Make selections
  5. Select Save.

Guest books may be launched prior to a presentation viewing, or after the view is completed.  In addition to selecting what information you want to collect in the guestbook, you can also choose to require certain fields. 

If a field is required, the viewer may not proceed without providing the required data. 

*Note: Some guestbooks allow the entry of custom data fields.  Please contact your company administrator if you would like to add a custom field to your Guestbook field options.


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