How do I approve content submitted for approval?

If you are a folder administrator for a folder that requires content approval, you are able to approve content from the My Content tab.


To approve content, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your Brainshark account.
  2. Click the Content tab.
  3. If there is content awaiting approval, click Approve Content at the top right of the page.
  4. On the next page, hover your mouse over the desired presentation to see the options.
  5. Click the presentation title on the left to view the content.
  6.  On the right side of the presentation line, select Approve to approve the content, or Reject the content and allow the author to make further edits.
  7. With either choice, a pop-up will appear allow you to confirm your choice or Cancel. You will be able to leave a message reply as to why a presentation was rejected. 



Additional Trainings

How do I submit a presentation for content approval?

How to Unlock Presentations that Require Content Approval



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