How can I enroll some or most group members in a course or curriculum?

As a Course/Curriculum Author, Learning Manager, Learning Administrator or Company Administrator you can enroll students into courses and curriculums. Any content that is set to limited enrollment will require students to be enrolled manually or through a group enrollment. You may find that you want to enroll some or most members of a group, without enrolling the entire group. 


To enroll part of a group in a course or curriculum:

  1. Navigate to the Learning tab.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select My Courses & Curriculums.
  3. Search for the course or curriculum you'd like to enroll part of a group in, then select the 3 dots under actions then click Enroll Students.
  4. In the Enrolled Students section, click Enroll Students.
  5. Click the select button to the right of Students.
  6. Use the 'Filter By Group' dropdown to select which group you would like to view and click Search.
  7. Select each student you would like enroll using the check boxes on the left.
  8. Once your selection has been made, click Enroll Selected and return to the Enroll Student pop up.
  9. If you would like an invitation sent to your users, check the box next to 'Send Invitation Emails'.
  10. To enroll these students, click Submit at the bottom of the pop up window.

Additional Trainings 

How do I enroll users in a course or curriculum?

How do I enroll a group in a course or curriculum?



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