How can a group manager enroll their users into courses and curriculums?

If a user is a Group Manager, but not a Learning Administrator or Company Administrator, they will be able to enroll their students using the "Manage Group Enrollments" button on Courses and Curriculums within the Course Catalog. Group Managers will be able to see limited enrollment courses within the Catalog. 


In order to enroll students as a Group Manager:

  1. Click the Learning tab
  2. Click Course Catalog
  3. Find the Course or Curriculum you are looking to enroll students in and click the title
  4. Click the Manage Group Enrollments button mceclip0.png which will bring you to the Enrolled Students page
  5. Click Enroll Student(s) to find and select users to be enrolled, set due date, and select whether or not to send an email invitation
  6. Click Submit

*Note: If "Require 'view' permissions for courses and curriculums within the catalog" is enabled, users will need viewing permissions to the folder the content resides in. 


Additional Trainings 

Enrolling students and groups in a course or curriculum

Brainshark roles and privileges 



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