Why are users not showing a due date for their course or curriculum?

When a user is enrolled in a course or curriculum, they should receive the due date that is set on the course/curriculum at the time of enrollment. If you are seeing users enrolled without a due date, even with this set, it may be due to them self-enrolling.

If a course or curriculum is set to open enrollment, this means users can self-enroll in the content through the course catalog. When users self-enroll into content, no due date is added, even if there is one set for the content. 

To have a due date appear for users, they will need to be enrolled manually either through an individual or group enrollment. Alternatively, as a Company Administrator, Learning Manager, or Learning Author, you can also set a course to be limited enrollment. This will stop users from self-enrolling and will ensure all users have due dates added.

To make a course or curriculum limited enrollment:

  1. Navigate to the Learning tab.
  2. Select My Courses & Curriculums.
  3. Search for the course or curriculum you wish to edit.
  4. Under the Actions column, click the three dots next to the course/curriculum, then select Edit. 
  5. On the Properties tab, find the Enrollment option and select Limited (see below):
  6. Click Submit to save your changes.

Additional Trainings

What is the Difference Between Open and Limited Enrollments?

How do I enroll users in a course or curriculum?


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