How do I set completion criteria for a course in Learning?

Learning Authors and Administrators are able to set completion criteria similar to Presentations that control whether or not a student passes a Course.

To set Completion Criteria for a course:

  1. Navigate to Learning
  2. Click on My Courses & Curriculums
  3. Search for the course, then click the 3 dots under actions, and select Edit Course
  4. Click the Completion Criteria Tab
  5. Here you can set your completion criteria requirements for 
    1. Percentage of slides viewed: (0 - 100%)
    2. Percentage of audio played: (0 - 100%) We recommend setting percentage of audio played to 80% or less. Setting to 100% means that if the viewer misses even one second of the audio they will not achieve completion
    3. Test score needed to pass: (0 - 100%) only include this if you have added at least one question slide
  6. Click Submit on the right side to save your changes

Additional Trainings

How do I set up completion criteria for a Presentation?

How to add a custom Certificate to your Brainshark Site


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