How do I use Course Prerequisites?

When a Learning Author is creating a curriculum and adding courses to the curriculum, they will see the Prerequisites column to each course's right. Once Author has set courses in order, they can establish prerequisites if there are any.


Set the Prerequisites in Curriculum:

  1. Navigate to Learning
  2. Select Authoring > My Courses and Curriculums from the drop-down menu
  3. Find the curriculum you would like to edit, select the 3 vertical dots under the Actions column, and select Edit Curriculum
  4. Select the Courses Tab under the curriculum title
  5. Define the prerequisites for the course by highlighting the Course Title in the selection box. To select multiple courses, hold down [Ctrl], then click the course titles.
  6.  Select None if there are no prerequisites.
  7. Select Submit to save your changes.

*Note: When prerequisites are specified, you can select the option Hide Title until prerequisites are met, which hides the course until the student has completed the prerequisite course(s).


Additional Trainings 

How can I create a curriculum?

How do I designate a course as an exam in a curriculum?

How do I remove a Course from a Curriculum? 


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