How can I add and edit Learning Topics? 

Learning Topics are used in Courses and Curricula as a way of categorizing Activities within Reporting. These topics can be added and edited by Company Administrators. 

To add Learning Topics: 

  1. Navigate to Administration.
  2. Click on Learning on the Left-Hand Settings Menu.
  3. Click Learning Topics in the menu on the left.
  4. Click the Add button to create a New learning topic, type the topic in the text box.
  5. Select Save in the top right to keep any changes made on this page.


  • Existing topics can either have a Subtopic added, Edited, or Deleted from the menu using the respective button.
  •  If an existing Topic is removed, any courses or curricula associated with that topic will remain unaffected and switch to not having any topic until a new one is assigned.
  • You are able to delete topic(s) by clicking the checkbox to the left of the existing topic, and clicking the red delete bin that will replace the "Add" button.



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