Content Authors and Administrators will have access to create & download screen recordings created in Brainshark. Upon completion of the recorded presentation, the author can download the MP4 format of the video by navigating to the 'Attachments' tab.
To find the Attachments tab in your presentation:
- Locate the presentation.
- Select the pencil icon to enter the Edit Mode.
- Select the Attachments tab; in gray toward the top center of the page.
- Click on the blue title of the attachment. This will launch the MP4 to play in a new window.
- Right-click somewhere on the space where the video is playing, and select 'Save As' to store the file on your device.
- The screen-recording functionality is currently only available in the Google Chrome browser.
- This article is specifically in relation to screen-recordings. These steps would not apply to generating MP4's of uploaded presentations.
Additional Training
Quick Tip: Upload a Video, Record with Webcam, or Record your Screen