How can I ensure users view my presentation and do not skip ahead?

To prevent users from fast-forwarding through a presentation, the author of the content, an Enhanced Folder Administrator, or a Company Administrator have a few options on how to ensure users view the presentation fully.


Completion Criteria

If you would like to ensure users have to complete the presentation, you can enable completion criteria. With completion criteria alone, users can view slides in any order, but they will not be marked as complete until they view the presentation and meet the specified criteria.

To enable completion criteria:


Locked Slide Navigation

One option to ensure users do not skip ahead is to change the presentation’s slide navigation setting to 'Locked: View slides once in order; user cannot review slides'. With this setting enabled, viewers will not have the option to fast-forward or scrub the seek bar, and the presentation slides will play in order.

Note: This option may not be best suited for longer presentations or for presentations where viewers need to go back to review the material often.


To change a presentation's slide navigation to locked:

  1. Go into the Edit mode of the presentation.
  2. Select the Options tab.
  3. Navigate to the section, Slide navigation.
  4. Click the drop-down arrow and select 'Locked: View slides once in order; user cannot review slides
  5. Click the Save or Apply button.


'Review' Slide Navigation and Hide Seek Bar

Another option to prevent viewers from fast-forwarding through the presentation would be to set the slide navigation to Review and select the setting Hide seek bar for each slide to prevent it from displaying in the Brainshark player. 


To change a presentation's slide navigation to Review:

  • Go into the Edit mode of the presentation.
  • Select the Options tab.
  • Navigate to the section, Slide navigation.
  • Click the drop-down arrow and select Review: View slides in order; users can review slides.
  • Click the Save or Apply button.

To hide the seek bar:



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