Content Authors can re-activate or restore archived presentations by viewing the presentation. This can be done by viewing a presentation through the My Content tab or viewing the presentation's URL link from a Brainshark report.
To restore an archived presentation through My Content as the author:
- Select the Content tab.
- Select My Content from the drop-down menu.
- Search and find the presentation that you would like to restore
- Hover over the presentation's thumbnail and select the More button shown as 3 horizontal dots
- Select View and play a few seconds of your presentation
- Close the presentation player, by selecting the small X in the upper right-hand corner
- Do not close your web browser
- After, your presentation will be restored and you will be able to edit your presentation.
To restore an archived presentation through the Reporting tab as the author:
- Navigate to the Reporting tab.
- Select Content from the left-hand menu
- Choose Presentation Creation
- Choose the date range for which the presentation was created.
- If you do not know the date range, choose All Time.
- Click the Report Options tab.
- Uncheck all boxes except for Include Archived Presentations
- Click Run report.
- In your report, find the presentation that you want to restore, copy the link from column H
- Paste the presentation link into your web browser and press enter to view your presentation.
- After, navigate back to the My Content section in your account to edit your presentation.