Can I add a YouTube video as a slide in my presentation?

YouTube videos may be added to Brainshark presentations as URL slides.

In order to do so, you must use the YouTube embed link. Once you have the proper link, there are a few options for the syntax of URL that will utilize the full Brainshark player real estate. Below are a couple of examples of how you would want to construct the URL.

To find the YouTube Embed Link:

  1. Select Share located below the YouTube video on - you should see options to Share, Embed, or Email
  2. Click Embed
  3. Copy the URL link that is in between quotes after src= and before the word "title"
    • It should look similar to this URL:
  4. When logged into Brainshark, edit the desired presentation
  5. Select Add Slides > Add URL Slide from the Things you can do panel
  6. Copy and paste the URL (If you copied the URL with https:// then remove the pre-populated http:// from the Add slide text box) 
  7. Select Save

Note: The ability to auto-play or auto-advance YouTube videos in Brainshark is not supported at this time. Viewers will need to manually click the video in order for it to begin playing and will need to click the Next button to advance to the next slide in your presentation.


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