Authors may include a Prezi as part of a Brainshark presentation by adding it as a URL slide. Please note that the Prezi must be public in order to be added as a URL slide, and the Brainshark viewer will need to click "Play" on the Prezi in order for it to begin - it will not begin automatically once the URL slide loads in the Brainshark player.
The URL from Prezi:
- Locate your Prezi in the Prezi account
- Click "Embed"
- Copy the embed code and paste it in a Word Document
- Extract the "" piece from the embed code
- Add that URL as the webpage for the URL slide in your Brainshark presentation
Adding a URL slide in Brainshark:
- Go to "Edit" presentation in Brainshark
- Click "Add a Slide" in the Things you can do menu on the left
- Choose "Add URL Slide"
- Enter the above URL
- Click "Save"