How do I display different author photos for different slides?

You may display a different author's photo on any slide in your presentation.  This feature must be enabled by your Company Administrator:

  • Click on Manage Slides from the Edit Presentation screen.
  • Select Edit beside the thumbnail image of the slide you want to apply the author photo to.
  • Click the radio button beside "Use specific author" and select the author.
  • Make sure to Submit your slide's changes.

    You may change the image and information on one slide or all the slides in the presentation. 


  • This ONLY changes the information that is displayed, it does not give the person selected access to the presentation as an author.  If you want the new author to have permission to edit the presentation, you must make them the author of the presentation by changing the author.
  • If you do not see the 'Use image library' radio button option, then the company administrator of the account has not allowed authors to set an author photo per slide as well as image branding.

Additional Trainings

How to Add Slides to Your Presentations in Classic Authoring

How to Add Slides to Your Presentations in Modern Authoring

How to edit slide titles in Brainshark


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