If you notice that animations you set to fire in PowerPoint are not registering after you have uploaded the files to Brainshark, it is likely because you have not yet set your animation timings in Brainshark.
Brainshark will recognize most animations set in your PowerPoint presentation. Animations are most effective if they are set to On Click in the presentation. When they are set to On Click, the timing may be adjusted as required to synchronize with the Brainshark presentation audio. Animation timing may be set while recording the presentation, or afterward using the Manage Slides section of the presentation.
To set animation timings while recording your audio:
- Edit your presentation.
- Navigate to Manage Audio from the Things You Can Do menu.
- Select Record Audio
- Add your voice using a microphone or add your voice by phone.
- Record your audio and select the on click animation button to time all animations.
To set or adjust your animation timings after recording:
- Edit your presentation.
- Navigate to Manage Slides from the Things You Can Do menu.
- Any presentations that have animation timings that need to be set will have a red exclamation point to the left. Click the Edit link under these slides.
- In the Animation Timings field, designate the seconds at which the animations should fire. For example, if you have 3 on-click animations that need to fire at 0:03, 0:09, and 0:15, respectively, designate “3,9,15” in the On-Click Animation Timings Field. Note: that you may only set one on-click animation timing per second, and animation timings cannot exceed the slide’s duration.
- Select “Apply” to save the changes and stay on the same screen so that you can review your work or progress on to other slides or select “Save” to save the changes and return to the Presentation Properties screen.
Note: There is a 255 character limit for the Animation Timings text box. If you hit this limit, please adjust one or more of your animations to be an after previous or a with previous with a time delay.
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