Why am I missing the "Create" option?

If you log into your Brainshark account and do not have the option to create a new presentation, your authoring permissions set in your user profile may not be properly set to give you this ability.

For a user to see the Create option in their account, both actions will need to be performed by a Company Administrator with your organization:

  • The Authoring privilege enabled in their user profile
  • Authoring permissions to at least one content folder

Company Administrators, see the steps below on how to allow users to see the Create option:

  1. Navigate to Administration.
  2. Click on Users from the left hand Settings menu.
  3. Click Manage Users from the Users drop down menu.
  4. Locate the user whose permissions you are looking to edit and select the horizontal Ellipses from the far right when hovering over the user.
  5. Select Roles & Privileges from this menu.
  6. Scroll down to the User privileges section and ensure that Author slider is enabled, or switched to the right.
    • Optional: You can also select "Create a personal authoring folder for this user" from the User properties section to provide this user with their own unique content folder
  7. Click Save in the top right.
  8. Select Folder Permissions from the user tabs at the top of the Manage Users page.
  9. Checkmark each box to the left of the folders you will be granting authoring access to, and select the Pencil Icon to edit the folder permissions for this user.
  10. Click the second dropdown menu labeled Permission, and select Author.
    • Optional: Below this permission you can choose to apply these permissions to the subfolder of this parent folder also
  11. Click Save.

Note: If you do not know who your Company Administrator is, please create a ticket with Bigtincan Support so that a Customer Support Representative can reach out to your Administrator with your request.




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