How can I as reviewer update the score for the same coaching submission?


As a Reviewer of a Coaching Activity, you can update the score for the same coaching submission. 

To update the score, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Coaching tab in your account.
  2. Search for the activity, and click on the Title of the activity.
  3. Click Select Participant.
  4. Locate the participant you would like to update the feedback score:
    • It can be located under the Reviewed 
    • Or you can search by the Name in the field "Search Participant."
  5. After selecting the participant, you can change the stars and feedback accordingly and select Submit.
  6. The Score will be updated.


  • The previous score will be visible and cannot be deleted. 
  • The participant would be able to see both scores:  original and updated.

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