How do I save a Coaching Submission as a Presentation?

Coaching Activity creators and Company Administrators can take a participant’s Coaching Activity submission and save it as a new Presentation. 


 How to save a coaching submission as a presentation:

  1. In Coaching, locate the desired Coaching Activity.
  2. Access the Leaderboard by either:
    • Clicking on the Leaderboard icon
    • Clicking on the title of the Coaching Activity and then click To Leaderboard located in the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Once in the Leaderboard, click the Table icon in the upper-right corner. This will display the submissions in a table view rather than a thumbnail view.
  4. Click the Save Selected as New Content button.
  5. For the newly created presentation, enter the following in the window that appears:
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Folder.  Ensure you select a folder that participants have Viewer permissions to view content.
    4. Active status
    5. Discoverable by search setting
  6. Click the Create button.


  • The Coaching Challenge will need to be visible on the leaderboard to convert into a Presentation.  Please see the accompanying article under the Relevant Articles and Training Videos section.
  • If the Coaching Challenge doesn't have a leaderboard enabled, you can download the coaching submission (please see this article on how to do it: How to download a Coaching submission) and upload it as a presentation.


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